Early Life and Present address

Gregory D’ Souza was born on November 17, 1940 to late Mr. Marian D’Souza and late Mrs. Paschalya D’ Souza at Kullar (Kuthethoor Post, Mangalore Taluk, D. Kannada, Karnataka 574149, India) as their ninth and the last child. Other siblings are: Teresa, Francis, Lawrence, Sabina, Agnes, Gabriel, Lilly and Alice. He was baptized in the parish church of Pezar in Kalavar on Nov. 23, 1940 and was named Gregory D’ Souza. His present contact address is: St. Joseph's Monastery, Carmelhill, Bikarnakatte, Kulshekar Post, Mangalore, 575 005, Karnataka ,India.

Mob: 9448155321, Tel: 91-0824-2221144; 91-0824-2211124, e-mail: ocdgds@gmail.com




After his Elementary and Higher Elementary education at St. Joseph’s Higher Elementary School attached to Pezar Church, Gregory pursued his High school studies till 11th Standard at Padua High School, Mangalore, staying as a boarder, first, at the boarding house attached to the school, and later, at St. Joseph’s Monastery belonging to the Discalced Carmelite Order. After graduating from High School, he joined the same Order on June 8, 1959.

Study and research in Philosophy: After his two-year study of humanities, especially Latin he went through a three-year intense graduate course in Philosophy at Carmelgiri in Alwaye, Kerala and secured a B.Ph. in Philosophy with distinction in March 1966.

M. A. in Philosophy: After duly completing Post Graduate studies at the State University of Karnataka in Dharwad, he was awarded M.A in Philosophy in 1974.

Ph.D. in Philosophy: Aspiring to a deeper understanding of men and matters, Gregory undertook research leading to the degree of Ph.D. in Philosophy in the State University of Mysore under the guidance of professor Ramakrishna Rao.  Rational investigation into supra-rational experience of mysticism, a comparative study of the writings of a most renowned Spanish mystic St. Teresa of Avila and a most popular Indian school of Yoga, was the field of his philosophical research. With relentless study he completed his research and was awarded the degree of Ph.D. in Philosophy in April 1979.

In the same year, in order to achieve an all-round education, he obtained a Diploma in Counseling from Christian Counseling Centre, Vellore in Tamil Nadu.  This centre provided him with not only the skills in counseling but also facilities to practise counseling in Christian Medical College Hospital in Vellore.

Study and Research in Theology: In preparation for the Catholic priesthood, Gregory undertook theological studies obtaining a degree of B. D. (Bachelor of Divinity) from St. Joseph ’s Papal Athenaeum, Alwaye in Kerala in March 1970. After graduating in Theology he was ordained priest on January 2, 1970 , and then he proceeded for a Diploma course in Pastoral Theology at St. Pius X Monastery at Piusnagar, in Kerala.

Master’s Degree in Theology: His profound interest in Mysticism took him to Rome where after pursuing Post Graduate studies in Theological Anthropology, he earned an M.A. in Theology from the Faculty of Teresianum in 1982.

Doctorate in Theology: Desiring to compliment philosophical research in Mysticism with theological understanding and insight, Gregory researched on the theme, The New Man in St. John of the Cross” securing a doctorate in Theological Anthropology  (S.T.D.) from the Teresianum in 1984.

In the meantime he took also some additional courses at Gregorianum, Rome , on Contemporary Trends on Theological Anthropology and at Angelicum, Rome , on Spiritual Anthropology.  After submitting the written thesis, Fr. D’ Souza had to wait about a month for his viva voce.  He made use of this opportunity to visit the Holy Land .

Language Studies: Fr. D’ Souza is conversant in English, Konkani, Kannada and Tulu languages.  He has workable knowledge of Latin, Malayalam, Tamil and Hindi. During vacations, while pursuing his studies abroad, he studied several other languages and   secured diplomas in Italian at International Institute of Languages in Rome , in Spanish from Salamancaa University , Spain , in French at Institut Catholique, Paris and in German at Kruezburg, Bonn.

He already had a diploma in counseling from Christian Counseling Centre at Vellure in South India . Since the renewed version of Canon law was promulgated in 1984 he obtained a diploma also in the New Code of Canon Law from Gregorianum.



Meeting with the Pope

After his studies in Europe, Fr. Gregory had an audience with the Pope St. John Paul II and was given the privilege to concelebrate Holy Eucharist with the Pope in his private chapel at the Vatican .

Meeting with St.Mother Teresa

Though much of the time of Fr. D’ Souza was spent with students, in studies and research, he made it a point to spend sometime working with the Brothers of Missionaries of Charity, a religious congregation founded by Mother Teresa of Calcutta.  He visited them at least once a week and did not hesitate to offer them a helping hand whenever he could.  He had the privilege of meeting with and talking to Mother St.Teresa.

Back to India: After completing his doctorate in Theology Fr. D’ Souza thought of doing post-doctoral research in the   University of Louvain and applied for a scholarship.  Though the answer was positive, Fr. D' Souza thought that this could be done later. He was offered a teaching position in Rome . But in the mean time he had a letter from the Bishop of Mysore requesting him to come to Mysore and teach in the Post Graduate Department of Christianity in the University of Mysore .  Fr. Gregory therefore preferred to return to India and work in this mission country.


University Professor

Fr. D’ Souza began his teaching career in the Post-Graduate Department of Studies and Research in Christianity in the University of Mysore in July 1984 as a lecturer. He was then selected as a Reader and after a few years, was promoted as a Professor. He continued teaching in the university till he got retired from service on 31, March 2001. Fr. D’ Souza has been also a Visiting Professor of philosophy and mysticism in different seminaries like St. Peter’s Inter-diocesan Seminary, Bangalore, St. Joseph’s Inter-diocesan Seminary, Mangalore, Sacred Heart College of Philosophy, Alwaye, Pushpashrama, a College of Philosophy in Mysore and in several institutes of Spirituality, like Adyatma Vidya Pitha in Bangalore, Jyothir Bhavan at Cochin, Mater Dei in Goa, Dhyanavana in Mysore, Dhyana Sadhana: Indian Institute of Spirituality in Bangalore and at Rhyshivana from 1974 to-date. He has also traveled abroad extensively to more than forty countries lecturing on mysticism in universities, faculties, seminaries and institutes.


Publications and Seminars

Besides teaching in the university of Mysore and other institutions, Fr. D’ Souza has authored ten books and a number of research papers and scientific articles, which were published in international journals. Besides, he has written also a number of popular articles. Moreover, he has been conducting about six seminars mainly on Mysticism every year. He has also organized International seminars in the University of Mysore, like the one on “Interculturality of Philosophy and Religion” in 1994.


Books Authored by Professor D Souza

1 Teresian Mysticism and Yoga, Divya Jyothi Publications, Mangalore, 1981, pp. 290 + xii
2 Spiritual Doctrine of St. John of the Cross (translated from Italian and edited), Divya Jyothi Publications, Mangalore, 1981, pp.100.
3 The New Man according to St. John of the Cross, Divya Jyothi Publications, Mangalore, 1986, pp. 96 + xxiv.
4 Transforming Flame, Divya Jyothi Publications, Mangalore 1987, pp.214 + xxviii
5 Interculturality of Philosophy and Religion (edited), NBCLC, Bangalore, 1996,pp. 274 + viii
6 Discernment in Prayer, Dhyanavana Publications, Mysore , 2000, pp. 170.
7 Contemplative Formation, Dhyanavana Publications, Bangalore, 2014.
8 Spiritual Doctrine of St. John of the Cross (Revised Edition), Dhyanavana Publications, Bangalore, 2016.
9 Spiritual Direction in Prayer and Contemplation with St. John of the Cross as Guide, Dhyanavana Publications, Bangalore, 2016.
10 Mystical Wisdom, Dhyanavana Publications, Bangalore, 2017.


Academic Positions

Chair Person: Professor D’ Souza was the Chairperson of the Board of Studies, Board of Examinations, and Board of Selection and of the Department of Post Graduate Studies and Research in Christianity in the University of Mysore for more 12 years.  Professor D' Souza has been the President of ICRF (Indian CarmeliteResearch Forum).


Member of Academic Council: Professor D’ Souza was a member of the Academic Council in the University of Mysore from 1990 to 2000. He had been also a member of the Board of Studies of the Post Graduate Department of Philosophy in the same university and also of Amnesty International.  He is still a member of Indian Theological Association (ITA) and Indian Christian Philosophers Association (IPCA).

Research Guide: Fr. D’ Souza has successfully guided 60 dissertations of Master’s Degree in Christianity and five Ph. D. dissertations.

Dean of Studies: When Pushpashrama was made a college of Philosophy in 1985, Fr. D’ Souza was appointed as  the first   dean of studies in which capacity he organized the programme to be followed there, appointed competent staff and streamlined academic curricula.


A Discalced Carmelite


After joining the Carmelite Order on June 8, 1959, Gregory was sent to Ernakulam in Kerala for humanistic studies, especially of Latin. After two years of intense study of Latin, he was sent to Mount Carmel Monastery at Podanur in Tamil Nadu for his novitiate formation.   In 1962 he took his first religious vows of poverty, chastity and obedience consecrating himself to God. On March 19, 1966 Gregory took his Solemn Vows of poverty, chastity, obedience and consecrated himself to the service of God and of the society definitively for the rest of his life.He offered himself also to work in the missions whenever called for.


A Catholic Priest

Having completed his religious formation and academic training in Philosophy and Theology, Gregory was ordained priest on January 2, 1970 at St. Joseph’s Monastery, Carmelhill, Mangalore. From 1970 to-date Fr. D’ Souza has been a zealous priest, ever ready to help the needy, constantly engaged in sacramental ministry, counseling and the ministry of the Word.


Non-Academic Positions

Director, St. Joseph’s Vocation Home: Attached to St. Joseph’s Monastery in Mangalore, was St. Joseph’s Vocation Home where candidates aspiring to become Carmelites or missionaries in mission dioceses of North India were kept and educated. Fr. D’ Souza was appointed as its Director in December 1970. He expressed his enthusiasm for priesthood and for missions by encouraging young men to dedicate themselves to this way of life. Actually he sent a number of candidates to different missions.

Superior, St. Joseph’s Monastery: Fr. D’ Souza was the first local Carmelite to be appointed as superior of the monastery of St. Joseph for a three-year term starting in April 1972. In order to give more conveniences to the members of his community, he made several developments in the building and property, particularly by starting a dairy farm and the plantation especially of coconut trees.

Prior, Carmelite Monastery: In the election chapter of April 1975 Fr. D’ Souza was elected Prior of the Carmelite Monastery at Margao, Goa. Besides renovating the monastery and specially the library, he undertook the more difficult task of renovating the church and improving the light and ventilation system.

Provincial Councillor: The election chapter of the Manjummel Province in 1978 elected Fr. Gregory as a Councillor to the provincial and entrusted him with the ministry of Vocation Director, coordinating promotion of vocations in the province consisting of the regions of Kerala, Karnataka, Goa, Bombay and Tamil Nadu. Fr. D’ Souza encouraged the youth to dedicate themselves to the service of the poor and underprivileged, especially in the missions of the Province and of North India. Most of those candidates are now zealous missionaries bringing home the gospel of love to those seeking the way of salvation.

Delegate Provincial: In 1979 Fr. Gregory was appointed Delegate Provincial for the Karnataka-Goa- Bombay region. Desiring to pursue his studies in Counseling he had applied for Doctoral Programme in Counseling at Indiana University in the USA. He was even offered an Assistantship in the university. Now Gregory was in a dilemma about which course to follow and he decided to serve as Delegate Provincial.

Provincial: In the provincial chapter of 1990, Fr. D’ Souza was elected Provincial of the Karnataka-Goa Province. As provincial he traveled a lot and also organized a new mission in Tanzania, Africa. He had to balance colossal responsibilities of many equally important areas, specially administrative, academic and pastoral service.

Founder-Director of Dhyanavana: Dhyanavana is an International Institute of Spirituality in Mysore founded by Fr. Gregory D’ Souza. As the director of this institute from 1994 to 2002 Fr. D’ Souza promoted spiritual and moral self-renewal, inculturation and inter-religious dialogue. During these years, a good number of people especially religious and priests have undergone self- renewal programme at this centre.

Novice Master: Disciples of Divine Saviour is a new religious congregation of Brothers in Mysore. They did not have a novice master. The Bishop of Mysore and the Provincial of Gregory requested him to help them as their novice master. Though Fr. D’ Souza was the director of Dhyanavana, he nonetheless, obliged them and fulfilled both the duties.

Rector, Infant Jesus Shrine: On March 31, 2001, Fr. D’ Souza got retired from university service, though he still continues to lecture in many places in India and abroad and to guide Ph.D. research scholars. In the provincial chapter of April 2002, he was elected Rector of the Shrine of the Infant Jesus at Carmelhill, Mangalore. This shrine is attached to St. Joseph’s Monastery where he had been already a superior in the early seventies, which by now had been transformed as a residence for Theology students of the Karnataka-Goa province.


Thousands of pilgrims, from all over India and specially from Karnataka, irrespective of their caste or creed, come and pray especially on Thursdays when religious service is organized a number of times in different languages.

Besides, there are a number of other activities carried out on the campus like counseling, prison ministry, social work and vocation promotion. Father D’ Souza who was the pastor of this church and the Rector of the college, coordinated all these activities.

Senator: In 1972, 2002 and 2015 Fr. D’ Souza had been elected to the diocesan senate of the diocese of Mangalore representing religious.

Rector, Pushpashrama, College of Philosophy and Religion: Fr. D'Souza was Rector of Pushpashrama from the year 2008 to 2010. Apart from streamlining accademic curricula of Philosophical studies he promoted also pastoral care of the people at the Shrine of Infant Jesus attached to the college. Moreover he undertook the construction of a pilgrim center and completed the first floor. He opened the college for the student seminarians from different dioceses and religious congregations especially in the mission. He got built a heavy vehicular- bridge over a cannal to facilitate the students to go to the playground. Since there was no water he got done a borewell with plenty of water. Moreover he got affiliated philosophical curricula to IGNOU, New Delhi.



Catholic Youth Association: To promote youth welfare and to inculcate in them the values of life especially moral and ethical Fr. D’ Souza founded a Catholic Youth Association (CYA) Madgaon, Goa. He got them actively involved in divine worship and instilled in them love for the poor and the marginalized.

Free Health Centre: With the help of the youth he started a Free Health Centre where physicians render free medical service to the poor. With the help of generous benefactors Fr. D’ Souza bought medicines, clothes and books to be distributed among the poor and the needy. He awarded also a few scholarships for poor children. Today, even after forty years, this Free Health Centre continues to help the poor.

Association of Nuns - a Major Break through: As provincial Fr. D’ Souza was also entrusted with the pastoral care of the Discalced Carmelite nuns. These nuns living in cloistered monasteries had minimum of contact even with other monasteries of the same Order. Keeping in mind the growth of the Order, for the first time in 150 years of history of Carmel in India, Fr. D’ Souza encouraged them to organize themselves into Associations, for which he got statutes drafted and duly approved by the Vatican. Thus began a new way of getting mutually acquainted and related in the Indian cloistered Carmelite life. The Vatican was so pleased with this work that it appointed Fr. D’ Souza as the Religious Assistant of the Association of Mother of Carmel, South West India for three consecutive terms of three years each.

Dhyanavana: In 1992 Fr. D’ Souza embarked on a pioneering project – to found an International Institute of Spirituality called Dhyanavana, which means Meditation Garden. From conception to completion Dhyanavana is his brainchild. Changing with the times is a part of human existence. Gearing up to change is what Dhyanavana is all about. The whole project involving raising of funds, planning the structure, furnishing it appropriately, organizing programmes, appointing lecturers was meticulously attended to. People of different walks of life were invited to participate in self-renewal programmes organized throughout the year.

RYSHIVANA – Towards a Holistic Approach to Life: In India, which is a multi-religious society and the largest democracy in the world, communal out bursts with destruction and deaths at regular intervals, are worse than floods and draught. Such a situation forces a person to live constantly in insecurity, suspicion and hatred. It is in this context that Fr. D’ Souza launched into a major international project in Mangalore, called RYSHIVANA, which is an Acronym for Religion, Yoga, Spirituality, Health, and Institute.

Fr. D’ Souza realized that in order to overcome the misuse of religion for political and communalistic purposes, we need to promote inter-religious dialogue and provide necessary literature on different religious traditions so that listening to each other, and learning from the wisdom of religious sages, we can understand the truth better and live in harmony. The study and practice of religion, is to be addressed on a scientific basis, using even scientific method. In order to attain this, Fr. D’ Souza created a foundation called RAS, which stands for Religion and Science.

One of the great contributions of India to the wisdom of the world is Yoga which when practised well, gives discipline to our life, brings about health of mind and body, promotes peace and serenity, and yields even longevity. Fr. D’ Souza realized that if India is not progressing, as it should, it is not merely because of economic poverty, but more because of the lack of discipline and application to work. Fr. D’ Souza worked to provide the necessary means for systematic and scientific study of Yoga.

Eastern as well as Western approaches to health, hygiene and sound spirituality are to be harmoniously combined into a wholesome synthesis. For this purpose Fr. D’ Souza set up an associate foundation called SRI, which stands for Spirituality Research Institute.

Health is the right of every one. But people often think of health only when it is lost. Moreover, nowadays, even medicines are being progressively commercialized. Fr. D’ Souza believes that prevention is better than cure. A healthy environment is to be provided with plenty of fresh air, vegetation and clean water. A healthy life-style is to be introduced balancing between work and rest, intellectual pursuits and physical exercise. As body is fed with good food and drink, mind with knowledge and truth, spirit is to be sustained with the experience of God. Health consciousness has to an integral part of our up bringing.With all this in view 10 acres of land was acquired and an infrastructure was set up. Even as the work of infrastructure was on, Fr. D’ Souza was organizing practical courses and programmes on holistic approach to life.

 The Tanzanian Mission

In his capacity as Provincial, Fr. D’ Souza traveled thrice to South East Africa and organized a new mission among the poor in Tanzania. Today the missionaries there render different kinds of service such as, health care, education and above all, sharing the good news of Jesus Christ. Now Fr. D' Souza is the Secretary for the Mission (Zaelator Missionum). In this capacity he has travelled there a number of times, encouraging and supporting the missionaries in every way. Presently he is involved in completing the work of their Major seminary and an Institute of Spirituality.


Taking note of the life of Fr. D’ Souza and the service rendered by him to the society, the editorial board of Marquis Who’s who 21st Century (121 Chanlon Road, P.O, New Providence, NJ, USA), has published a resume of his bio-data.


To Know More About


Name: Gregory D’ Souza
Father’s & Mother’s Name: (Late) Mr. Marian D’Souza & (late) Mrs. Paschalya D’ Souza
Date of Birth: Nov. 17, 1940
Place of birth: Kullar, Kuthethoor Post, Dakshina Kannada, Karnataka, India.
Baptized: on Nov. 23, 1940 at Pezar Church, Kalavar Post, and Mangalore.

Education Elementary Education: at St. Joseph’s Elementary School attached to Pezar Parish Church.
Higher Elementary Education: at St. Joseph’s higher elementary School attached to Parish Church
High School Studies till 11th Standard: at Padua High School, Mangalore 575004.
Three-year Diploma in Philosophy: at St. Joseph’s Pontifical Seminary, Alwaye, and Kerala in 1965.
Four-year Graduate Studies in Theology / Bachelor in Divinity (B.D) at St. Joseph’s Pontifical Seminary, Alwaye, Kerala, in 1969.
Master’s Degree in Philosophy (M.A.): at the State University of Karnataka Dharwad, in 1974.
Ph.D. in Philosophy: at the State University of Mysore, India, in1979. The theme of dissertation is Mystical Experience in St. Teresa of Avila and Yoga.
Master’s Degree in Theological Anthropology (M.Th.): Teresianum, Rome, in 1982.
Doctoral degree in Theological Anthropology (S.T.D./Th.D.): at Teresianum, Rome in 1984. The theme of dissertation is The New Man in St. John of the Cross-.
Diploma in Counseling: from Christian Counseling Centre, Vellore, and South India in 1979.
Diploma in Italian: from International House, Rome in 1981.
Diploma in German: from Kreuzburg, Bonn, Germany in 1982.
Diploma in French: from The University of Paris, France in 1982.
Diploma in Spanish from: the University of Salamanca, Spain in 1983.
Diploma in the New Code of Canon Law: from Gregorian University, Rome in 1984

Languages known: English, Kannada, Konkani, Tulu, Malayalam and Italian. Has limited knowledge of Hindi, Spanish and Latin. Besides he has passive knowledge of German, French and Tamil.

Teaching Experience: From 1974 to date.

At graduate level: from 1974 till 1984.

At Post Graduate (M.A., Ph.D.) Level: In the Post Graduate Department Studies and Research in Christianity in the State University of Mysore, India from 1984 to 2001.

Visiting Professor at:

Sacred Heart College of Philosophy, Alwaye, Kerala on Philosophy. (Philosophical Anthropology) from 1974 to 1978. Pushpashrama, College of Philosophy, Mysore on Philosophical Anthropology and Indian Classical Philosophy (Darshana) from 1995 to date. St. Peter’s, Faculty of Philosophy, Malleshwaram, Bangalore, India on Philosophy. (Philosophical Anthropology and Philosophy of God) in 1984. St. Joseph’s Inter-diocesan Seminary, Mangalore, on Indian Philosophy, from 2002 to 2006 Mater Dei, Theological Institute, Old Goa, Goa on Mysticism from 1979 to 1981 and from 1984 to 2005, and on Theological Anthropology from 1984 to 1989. Adyatma Vidya Pitha, An Institute of Spirituality, Carmelaram, Bangalore on Mysticism from 1979 to 1981. Jyothir Bhavan, An Institute of Spirituality, Kalamassery, Kerala on Mysticism, from 1979 to 1981 and 1984 to 1995. Dhyanavana, International Institute of Spirituality, Naidu Nagar, N.R. Mohalla, Mysore from 570007, India on Mysticism and Theological Anthropology1994 to-date.Carmelite Spirituality at IIS (Indian Institute of Spirituality, Bangalore, every alternative year; Contemplative Formation at Dhyana Sadhana, Mysore from 2005 to-date and at Ryshivana from 2005 to-date.

Research Experience

Besides obtaining two Masters degrees and two Ph.D. degrees, he has successfully guided five Ph.D. thesis.
60 M. A. Dissertations.

He is also the President of Carmelite Research Forum called ICRF which stands for Indian Carmelite Research Forum
Besides, he has authored 10 books, scientific articles and research papers details of which are given below under the title publications.

Universities where he studied.

State University of Karnataka, India, - M.A. in Philosophy.
The State University of Mysore India - Ph.D. in Philosophy.
Gregorianum, Rome, Italy. – Courses on Theological Anthropology.
Angelicum, Rome, Italy. – Courses on Spiritual Anthropology.
Teresianum, Rome, Italy - M.Th., S.T.D. in Theological Anthropology.
Institut Catholique, Paris, France – French.
University of Salamanca, Spain. – Spanish.

Universities where he lectured

University of Mysore, India as a regular Professor of Theology.
De La Sale University, Manila, Philippines – delivered a special lecture on Mysticism.
Teresianum, Rome - delivered special lecture on Yoga mysticism.
Sherbrooke University, Canada – Delivered a special lecture on Duluth Theology.

Moreover he has visited a few more universities like, Salesianum, Rome; Universita Latarenensis, Rome; Universita Urbanianum, Rome; Sorbonne University, Paris; University of Macau, Macau; the Science University of Singapore; Singapore University, Singapore; Boston College, U.S.A; Havard University, U.S.A; Madras University, Chennai, India; Mangalore Univesity …


Seminars attended : On an average 2-3 seminars every year on Philosophy and Theology.
Seminars given : On an average 5-6 seminars every year mostly on Mysticism, Indian Philosophy and Indian Spirituality.

Publications of Scientific nature

Articles and Research Papers:

1. “Spiritual Inwardness in Shankaracharya and St. John of the Cross”, in Mount Carmel, A Theologico-Spiritual Journal, Oxford, 1986, pp. 165-173.
2. “The Old Man in St. John of the Cross a Textual Analysis”, in The Living Word, A Theological Journal, Alwaye, 1987, Vol. 93, No. 2 pp. 97 - 109.
3. “Transforming Love in St. John of the Cross “, in Mount Carmel, A Theologico-Spiritual Journal, Oxford, 1987.
4. “The New Man according to St. John of the Cross, A Textual Analysis”, in The Living Word, A Theological Journal, Alwaye, 1987, Vol. 93, No. 3, pp.268 - 282.
5. “Christian Mysticism”, in Mystics and Mysticism in World Religions, Mysore, 1987, (in Kannada Language).
6. “Sharing in Religious Experience”, in Sharing Worship, NBCLC, Bangalore, 1988, pp. 79-87.
7. “Spotlight on Teresian Spirituality”, in The Journal of Indian Christian Spirituality, Bangalore, 1988, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 47-57.
8. “Essentials of Religious Formation”, in In Christo, Ranchi, 1989, Vol. 27 , no. 3, pp.117 - 126.
9. “Religious Formation”, in Conference of Religious, India, Plenary Assembly Reports - 1989, Delhi, 1989, pp. 5 - 23.
10. “Individualistic and Communitarian Spirituality” in Emerging India and the Word of God, NBCLC, Bangalore, 1991, pp. 90 - 99.
11. “Christian and Veerasaiva Principles” in Vishwa Prabhe, Hubli, 1991, pp. 612 - 629. ( in Kannada).
12. “Gender Discrimination : Reasons and Remedies” in Journal of Dharma, Bangalore, Vol. XX, Jan-March, 1995, pp. 63 - 70.
13. “Culture, Inculture and Interculture - A Conceptual Clarification” in Interculturality of Philosophy and Religion, NBCLC, Bangalore, 1996, pp. 1- 12.
14. “Prologue”, in Interculturality of Philosophy and Religion, NBCLC, Bangalore, 1996, pp. v - viii.
15 “The Mystical Dimension of Man” in Dharma, Vol. XXI, No1, pp. 73 - 86.
16 “St. Therese and the Dark Night” in Therese of Lisieux A Gift for our Times, Jyotir Dhara Publications, Kalamassery, India, 1997, pp.111-136.
17. “What is Contemplation” in In Christo, Vol.30, April, 1998, pp 75 - 85.
18. Spirituality of Interfaith Dialogue, a Paper read at Stanley, Hong Kong in 1997.
19. The Spirituality of the Body a Paper read at Stanley, Hong Kong, in 1997.
20. Christological Foundations for Asian Spirituality, a paper read at Stanley, Hong Kong in 1997.

21. Priestly Ministry and Personal Holiness,a Paper read at Stanley, Hong Kong in 1997.
22. New Directions and prospects of Christian Studies in Universities and Colleges,a Paper read at Channai in May 1999.
23. Man a Mystic in Jesu Christa Jayanthi 2000, Mysore , 2000, pp. 233 – 241.
24. Mission Paradigm in Interfaith Relations,a Paper read at Ecumenical Centre in Bangalore , 1999.
25 .Basic Values in Christianity,a Paper read at Rama Krishna Ashram in 1999.
26. A Theological Response to the Identity Claims of the dalith Christians, a Paper read at the Annual Conference of COCTI at Sherbrooke University, Canada, 1998.
27. “Foreword” to the book Becoming Human, Jivalaya, Bangalore, 1999.
28. Discernment of Mystical Phenomena in Discernment in Prayer, Dhyanavana Publications Mysore, 1999.. pp 99-120.
29. Discernment of Mystical Contemplation in Discernment in Prayer, Dhyanavana Publications Mysore , 1999, pp 69 – 99.
30. Education Mission 2000,a Paper read at the Conference of University College College Staff, Mysore, 1998.
31. Christianity in South India with Special Reference to Karnataka, a Paper read American Scholars’ Meet, in, Mysore in 1999
32 .Evaluation of Mission in Tanzania, a paper read at Carmelite Superiors’ Conference, Bangalore, 2000.
33. Mary and the Mystery of Christ in Christo, October, 2000.
34. Spiritual Theology in India Thought in World Conference on Spirituality, Rome, 2000, pp. 105-126.
35. Mystical Experience in India,a Research paper read at International Seminar on Mysticism held at Wursburg, Germany, in September, 2003.

36. Mysticism, Encyclopaedia of Philosophy, Published by Indian Christian Philosopher's Association,(ICPA), Bangalore, 2010

Popular Writings

1. “St. Teresa , A Doctor of the Church “, in New Leader, , Bangalore, 1970.
2. “St. Teresa of Avila, A Doctor of the Church”, in Rakno, 1970. (A Konkani weekly).
3. “The Church in India Today”, in New Leader, Bangalore, 1975.
4. “Who Touched Me”, in New Leader, Bangalore, 1978.
5. “Mysticism and Life” in Nirjari, Carmelaram, Bangalore, 1980.
6. “Foreward” in Echoes of Love, Bridgetine Convent, Mysore 1986.
7. Department of Christianity (A brochure), Manasa Gangotri, Mysore, 1994.
8. “Department of Christianity”, in Interculturality of Philosophy and Religion, Souvenir, Mysore, 1994, pp. 11 - 13.
9. “A Seminar on Interculturality of Philosophy and Religion” in Seminar on Interculturality of Philosophy and Religion, Souvenir, Mysore, 1994, p. 4- 6.
10. “Editorial” in Seminar on Interculturality of Philosophy and Religion, Souvenir, Mysore, 1994, p. 3.
11. Interculturality of Philosophy and Religion, Souvenir (ed), Department of Christianity, 1995
12. Dhyanavana, The Annual of Dhyanavana (ed), Mysore, 1998.
13. Dhyanavana, The Annual of Dhyanavana (ed), Mysore 1999.
14. Dhyanavana , The Annual of Dhyanavana (ed) Mysore , 2000.
15. Dhyanavana , The Annual of Dhyanavana (ed) Mysore , 2001

University Positions Held

Chairman of the Board of Studies in the Post Graduate Department of Studies and Research in Christianity, University of Mysore from 1989 to 1998.
Chairman of the Post Graduate Department of Studies and Research in Christianity, University of Mysore from 1990 to Nov. 2000.
Chairman of the Composite Board of Examination in the Graduate and Post Graduate Department of Studies and Research in Christianity, University of Mysore from 1990 to 1994, and 1998 to 2000.
Chairman of Selection Committee in the Post Graduate Department of Studies and Research in Christianity, University of Mysore from 1990 to 2001.
Member of the Board of Studies in the Post graduate Department of Studies Research in Philosophy, University of Mysore from 1995 to 2001.
Member of the Academic Council in the University of Mysore from 1990 to Nov. 2000

Non-academic Positions Held

Director - St. Joseph’s Vocation Home, Carmelhill, Mangalore 575005 from 1970 to 1972.
Superior - St. Joseph’s Monastery, Carmelhill, Mangalore 575005 from 1972 to 1975.
Prior - Carmelite Monastery, Margao, Goa, from 1975 to 1978.
Provincial Councillor - Manjummel Province of the Discalced Carmelite Order, from 1979 to 1981.
Delegate Provincial - Karnataka-Goa Provincial Delegation, 1979 to 1981.
Provincial - Karnataka-Goa Province, from 1990 to 1993.
Director of Dhyanavana: from 1994 to 2002
Religious Assistant to the South West Association of the Discalced Carmelite Nuns, India from 1994 to 2003
Rector : Carmelhill, Theological College, Mangalore from 2002 to date.
Director of RYHSI from 2002 to-date

Rector, Pushpashrama, Carmelite College of Philosophy and Religion, Mysore, 2010-2013

Secretary for Education, Karnatakas-Goa Province, from 2014 to- date

MKission Secretary Tanzanian Mission fro 2010 to to-date


Member of the Discalced Carmelite Order in Karnataka-Goa Province from 1962 to-date
Priest in the Catholic Church since 1970.
Member of the Diocesan Senate, Mangalore from 1975 to 1978. 2002 to 2005, 2014 to to-date
Member of Amnesty International from 1984 – 1995.
Member of Indian Theological Association from 1984 to-date
Member of Indian Christian Philosophers’ Association from 1989 to-date.
Member of the Editorial Board -Indian Journal of Spirituality, Malleshwaram, Bangalore from 1990-1998
Member of Conference of Catholic International Theological Organization ( COCTI) from 1996 -2000
Member of Advisory Board of the Chair in Christianity in the University of Mangalore from 2002 to-date
Member of the Advisory Board of the Pastoral Centre, Diocese of Mangalore 2003 to-date.
Member of the Pastoral Council of Mangalore 2002 to-date.
Member of Editorial Board of Spiritual Journal of Dhyana, Dhyanavana, Mysore, 2002 to-date.

Some of the Places abroad where he delivered Special Lectures:

On Mysticism, Mysticism of St. John of the Cross and on Indian Spirituality at :
Missionschwestern Alle, Vienna , Austria in 1980.
Carmelite Monastery , 6981 Teresian Way, Georgetown, CA 95634, USA in 1986.
Carmelite Monastery, 2215 N.E.147th Avenue, Seattle, WA 98155, USA in 1986.
Carmelite Nuns , 15 Mount Carmel Road, Danvers, MA 01923, U.S.A in 1986.
Discalced Carm. Nuns, 61 Mt. Pleasent Ave, Roxbury, MA 02119, U.S.A. in 1986.
Carmelite Monastery, 215 East Alhambra Rd, Alhambra, CA 91801, U.S.A in 1986.
Carmelite Monastery, 5801, Mt. Carmel Drive, Arlington, TX 76017, U.S.A. in 1986 and 1988.
Carmelite Nuns, 87609 Green Hill Road, Eugene, OR 97402, U.S.A.in 1988.
Carmelite Monastery, 71700 Mantim, Nigeria Sembilan, West Malaysia in 1989.
Jesuit Formation Centre, Pathalinjaya, Malaysia in 1989.
St. John’s Cathedral, Kaula Lumpur, Malaysia in 1989.
Bukit Teresa Road, Kampong Bahru, 0409 Singapore in 1989, 1990.
St. John’s Theological College, Singapore in 1994.
Trinity Church, 21 Temphanys Road Singapore, in 1994 and 1995.
Scout Madrigna Rd, Quezon City , Philippines in 1990.
Carmelite Formation Centre, Iloilo, Philippines in 1990.
Carmelite Monastery, Quaezon city , Philippines in 1990.
Carmelite Monastery, IloIlo, Philippines in 1990.
De La Sale University , Quaezon City, Philippines in 1990.
Television Net work, Qaezon City, Philippines in 1990 - delivered a Talk for the Television Net work, which was televised .
Stanwood, Seattle, U S A.,Workshop on Indian Mysticism, in June 2001
Georgetown, USA,!3 lectures on Mysticism of St. John of the Cross in June, 2001
Dallas 5 lectures on Contemplative life in July 2001
Arlington of Dallas, St. Louis, Loretto, Demark, Lafeyette, Georgetown and Port Tobacco in USA, 12 lectures each on Comparative mysticism in the summer of 2002.
Holy Family Cathedral, Kuwait on Moral values in Family Life for ten days in 1992.
Salmiah, Kuwait on Moral values in Family Life for three days in 1992.
Mt Carmel Church , Ahamadi, Kuwait on Moral Values in Family Life for three days in 1992.
Asilo de Santa Maria, Macau on Religious Transformation gave a seminar of eight days in 1994.
Sherbrooke University Canada, Read a Research paper on A Theological Response to the Indentity Claims of Dalith Christians, in August, 1996.
Stanley, Hong Kong, gave a seminar on Asian Spirituality at in October 1997.
Taipei, Taiwan , gave a seminar on Asian Spirituality at in February, 1999.
Arlington, Dallas, and USA on Theological Anthropology: 12 lectures in June 2001
Seattle, USA on Mary and the Mystery of Christ, 20 lectures on in July, 2001
Carmelite Monastery, Guam on the Mysticism of St. Teresa and St. John of the Cross 20 lectures in May 2004.
Redemptoris Mater, Guam, on Encounter of Theology and Philosophy between the East and the West, one special lecture in may 2004.
Redemptoris Mater Guam on Carmelite Spirituality, a special lecture in May 2004. And in many other places

Talks Televised : Fr. D' Souza has been homilies and lectures on television in Divine Word Television channel four to five times a month


Publication of the Resume of Bio-data by Marquis Who is Who 21st Century.